Of Victorian Interest

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Of Victorian Interest

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CFP: "Excavating the Art of Advertising," a 2011 UAAC-AAUC Conference Session (5/24/2011; 10/27-29/2011)

Call for Papers for a Session at the 2011 UAAC- AAUC  Conference
(Universities Art Association of Canada)
Carleton University / Université de Carleton
Ottawa, ON
October 27-29

Excavating the Art of Advertising / Aller au fond de l'art de la publicité

This panel will explore the art of advertising in the period before World War II. Over the course of the long nineteenth century, advertising developed into a large-scale industry that recognized the power of the image. Such advertisements were alternately described as an art of the people or as one of the horrors of modern life. With this panel, I aim to excavate the practices and discourses of advertising in order to reconsider its place in the visual culture of the nineteenth century and early twentieth century. I seek to uncover collaborations and continuities between art and advertising, while also examining the tensions and ruptures that were pervasive. Proposals on any aspect of art and advertising will be considered.

Session Chair
Andrea Korda, Ph.D. 

Deadline: May 24th, 2011
Please send your abstract to Andrea at andrea.korda@uleth.ca

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