Of Victorian Interest

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Of Victorian Interest

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CFP: Dickens Special Issue of English: the Journal of the English Association (9/1/2011)

2012 is the Bicentenary of Dickens's Birth.

To celebrate, English: the Journal of the English Association is dedicating a special issue to his work and influence.

Topics covered might include:

  • Dickens and adaptation
  • Dickens and illustration
  • Dickens and the Gothic imagination
  • Dickens and the city
  • Reading Dickens in the twenty-first century

But submissions on any topic connected to his work are encouraged.

Potential contributors should send essays of between 5,000 and 9,000 words to the journal editors via the English website at: http://english.oxfordjournals.org/. The deadline for submission is 1 September 2011.

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