Of Victorian Interest

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Of Victorian Interest

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Call for Contributers: Victorian Poetry Network

Victorian Poetry Network
Call for Contributers

The Victorian Poetry Network (VPN) aims to be a virtual hub for Victorian poetry research and teaching. VPN is a collaborative project, bringing together scholars and students of Victorian poetry to create a dynamic digital community. VPN will achieve three things: a blog authored by the VPN team and invited scholars in the field, a resource centre for research projects and teaching, and a social space. We are adding new content all the time, so please bookmark the site and check back often!

VPN encourages scholars to discuss, share, and advance their research through a number of resources: 

  • Blog posts include editorials, news and events, poems of the month, and  research and journals. VPN bloggers promote lively discussions about specific poems and examine current topics of scholarship especially, but not limited to, social media's role in the circulation and representation of Victorian poetry. 
  • Virtual Classroom showcases undergraduates' multimedia and written projects, and provides teaching resources, such as sample syllabi and course websites. 
  • Projects indexed on VPN link to archives and other digital resources for Victorian studies. 

Join VPN
We are looking for interested colleagues and students to contribute to the website (writing blogs posts, commenting on the poem of the month, joining us as researchers for the periodical poetry database, and contributing teaching resources and star student essays to the virtual classroom). Please also send us details of any of your research initiatives that have an online presence, for inclusion in our project pages.

VPN Official Site http://web.uvic.ca/~vicpoet/

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