The 18th Annual 18th- and 19th-Century British Women Writers Conference
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX
April 8-11, 2010
Call for Papers
This year's conference will explore the abundant varieties of journeys found in 18th- and 19th-century British women's writing. We encourage interdisciplinary considerations of topics such as migration, travel, exile, exploration, tourism, border crossing, religion, travel writing, art, fantasy, children's literature and more.
We are pleased to announce that our speakers will include Kate Flint, Felicity Nussbaum, Mary Fissell, Jillian Heydt-Stevenson, and Erika Rappaport.
Proposals for panels and individual papers might consider, but are not limited to, the following issues:
-Travel writing/art
-Biographical narratives
-Continental tours
-Colonialism and Empire
-Philosophical investigations
-Scientific inquiry
-Religious explorations
-Spiritual awakenings
-Transatlantic movement of persons, ideas, and/or goods
-Memory as travel
-Re-envisioning the past/future
-Mapping the body
-Rites of passage
-Crossing class boundaries
-Movement between private and public spheres
-Exile (Social, Political, Familial)
-Women and work
Individual proposals should be two pages: a cover sheet including name, presentation title, university affiliation, address, email address, phone number, and brief biographical paragraph; and a 500-word abstract. Please do not include any identifying information on the abstract.
Panel proposals should include a coversheet--containing panel title, presenters' names, presentation titles, university affiliations, addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, brief biographical paragraphs, and the name of the moderator--followed by separate abstracts (500-word) that describe the significance of the panel topic and each presentation. Please do not include any identifying information on the abstracts.
Proposals must be submitted electronically as an attachment in .doc or .rtf format by October 15, 2009 to the conference email address:
For more information and updates, please visit our conference website:
Thank you!
Elizabeth Talafuse
BWWC 2010 Organizing Committee
Texas A&M University