Women's Writing announces a special issue on Fanny Trollope:
Still largely overshadowed by her more widely read and reprinted son Anthony, Frances (or Fanny, as she preferred to be called) Trollope is now almost exclusively remembered for her travel writing and especially for the notoriously controversial Domestic Manners of the Americans. Her impressively prolific career as a writer, however, not only covered and transgressed numerous narrative trends. It also spanned from the early 1830s into the mid-fifties, which also prompts us to reconsider conventional lines of demarcation between periods as well as genres. A contemporary of Jane Austen, Trollope started writing at a time when fashionable silver-fork fiction was being self-reflexively reassessed and, throughout her extensive oeuvre, continued to combine diverse narrative forms while capitalising on the rapidly evolving subgenres of the time. Recent interest specifically in her social-problems novels has brought at least some of her so far lesser known works back into print, while research into women's contributions to periodicals has newly unearthed parallels between her seemingly very different works. A thorough reassessment of her position in nineteenth-century literary culture, however, promises to highlight her own versatility and the diversity of as well as important intersections between
literary developments.This special issue aims to provide a forum for an encompassing reconsideration of some of her still rarely discussed novels and their significance for Trollope's position at the literary marketplace of her time and in the canon of Victorian popular fiction.
Topics may include but are not limited to:
Trollope as a "fashionable" writer
* Trollope in the marketplace: opportunist writing for money or
innovator in various genres?
* Self-reflexivity and self-irony in Trollope's fiction
* Trollope's representation of religion
* Trollope's representation of travel and emigration
* Trollope's representation of the domestic, the family, &c.
* Trollope's anti-heroines
* Trollope's reputation, then and now
* Trollope and intertextual influence
* Comparative readings of Trollope's works
* Trollope and Transatlantic Studies; Trollope and EuropePlease submit papers for consideration between 4000-7000 words to Tamara S. Wagner at tamarasilviawagner@yahoo.com.
sg , by 31/1/2010. (NOTE: This is a corrected date.)Contributors should follow the journal's house style details of which are to be found on the Women's Writing web site http://www.tandf.co.uk/
journals/titles/0999082.asp This is the new MLA. Please note that instead of footnotes, we use
endnotes with NO bibliography. All bibliographical information is included in the endnotes. For example, we require place of publication, publisher and date of publication in brackets after a book is cited for the first time.Please also include an abstract, a brief biographical blurb (100 words maximum), and a key of 6 words suitable for indexing and abstracting services.